05-31-2011, 05:55 PM
hey man WE can't buy their shit next year...THEN THEY'LL HEAR US, until then they'll become TRILLONAIRES and we'll just complain for another year, if someone mistreats us they we must NOT buy their products, we get more here than they'll EVER ALLOW to PAY for as they continue to let us pay for what THEY want...F#@k THQ man, they have a pompus attitude as if their selling their games to themselves, THEIR NOT, there selling them to US. WE NEED to get a letter/partition to let them KNOW just as they've sent a letter to CAW.w. and tell them WE WILL NOT buy ANYMORE GAMES UNLESS WE GET WHAT WE WANT!!! And ask all our communities to sign it. Until then we NEED to not complain if WE don't care. They really think their word and demands are better than OURS??? WHO'S PAYING WHO HERE??? I WILL NOT BUY ANYMORE of THEIR PRODUCTS and HAVEN'T PAID FULL PRICE in years unless it was for kids, NOW I'll buy them something else or get them a better pc to play these great NEW GAMES that's being developed here. F@#K VINCE AND THQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!