So lets look at this logically
tekken has made a mod tool that is paid for he has done so for years helping the wrestling console modding community grow with his mods tools, and knowledge
logic: while some may not agree with this method it has been a norm for console modders for along time, there is nothing wrong with him charging for the tool, he made it so he solely decides what to do with it simple
wwe 2k15 is released on pc, many non pc gamers and hardcore pc gamers alike buy the game, expecting to mod the living shit out of it. Tekkens tool is the only tool in town and it's paid for pc modding is a different beast to console modding a majority of information is freely available and there are ample amounts of tools which are normally free, all these people are excited and want to rip into the game, they become impatient waiting for a free alternative and voice there displeasure at the idea of spending money on a product that is unknown to them
logic: wait patiently, for a free tool as no doubt there will be one, there is no harm in voicing ones opinion however opinions are like ass holes everyone got one, some will agree others wont, but no one is right no one is wrong, however calling each other names isn't going to help the situation, so your two options are either buy the tool or wait it out and see
misconceptions: I personally think a lot of people think you need xpacker and the mod tools to play with peoples mods,at first I thought this was the case and was disappointed that I would have to spend money to play with mods however this is not the case as you don't need xpacker to play with mods
logic: this should make a lot of people happy, at-least you can still play with all the awesome content that is created by a highly talented pool of modders,
price: the price of the game is $27 usds for most people this is a reasonable price for two tools however if you take a closer look it could very well be quite a lot of money, speaking form experience, first you have to convert the money depending where you live the price will either be less or in most case higher for example at this current point in time $27USD = 34.03AUD seven dollars more than 27 dollars
add a two and a half dollar currency conversion fee and another four dollar card usage fee and the total sum for buying xpacker roughly equates to 40.00AUD close to what I spent on the game and soon i'm going to be taxed a extra 10% for all online purchase so it's going to work out more
logic: now is my shitty government and currency tekkens fault no it's not so if I really want this tool I've got to either buy it or just accept that the prices is to high and move on with my life
final thoughts in this situation no one is wrong and both sides have a point, I would imagine it would get annoying people constantly voicing there displeasure to a already established community and I also understand that people are eager to mod the game and get a little overly excited, however the best outcome we can hope for is to please everyone, and have active and friendly community that shares a shared passion that will keep the pc series and the console series fresh and enjoyable experience for all
p.s please don't think I've come across as condescending or arrogant or aggressive or anything else as that was not my intention this post was to solely air my views on the situation(which in the spade of things mean nothing), I love modding games I love wrestling and I love the fact that I have made so many good friends through a shared passion of the two so in closing